Adorable Teacher Gifts

My daughter attends daycare and I knew I wanted to do something sweet for her teachers for Christmas (sidenote: I checked with my daycare director to see which holidays our teachers celebrated).  I wanted to keep it simple but at the same time, wanted to put a little thought into it.  These girls keep my baby safe and cared for, after all!  I thought about it for a while and came up with this sweet little package.

I started with giftcards for Starbucks and PocketBacs from Bath & Body Works.  The barista at my Starbucks suggested using a short cup (the size smaller than “tall”) to package the gift cards in, which I thought was pretty genius.  I put a little green shredded paper in the bottom of the cup and then added a gift card and PocketBac.
 Here you can see all 6 of my cups filled with their green filler, a PocketBac, and the gift card.  The picture in the middle and bottom right squares show the items needed for the next step – Lindor truffles, Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark, clear cello favor bags, and more shredded green filler.
 To get these little packages to sit the right way, I put the Starbucks cup in to the cello bag first and then added a bit of green filler to each side. Then I added 4 Lindor truffles and 1 piece of peppermint bark to each bag.  Twist ties came with the bags, but I’ll go back and cover up the twist tie with a piece of red ribbon.  I also picked up little penguin notecards (bottom right) to write a note to each teacher.
This is my first time doing teacher gifts and I am thrilled with the way these turned out!  I hope our teachers love them, too!

For quick reference, here’s what I used for each package: Starbucks giftcard & short cup, a holiday-themed PocketBac, Lindor Truffles, peppermint bark, clear cello favor bag, and festive shredded filler.

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